Saturday, August 1, 2009

Texas Ranch Land Investment

Investing in Texas Ranch Land – Something to Think About
I believe that no one really knows what to expect anymore from investing in the markets, and even the so called experts are baffled. For these reasons, I, like many others, believe in the Texas Ranch and Texas Real Estate Market. Prime Texas Ranch Land, being located in a rapidly growing area, offers an alternative that has not experienced the wild downswings as many other investments have. And unlike paper investments which can evaporate overnight, real estate provides a much more substantive investment. Remember, they’re not making any more land, it is a limited supply! It's often been said, “There is no better investment in all the land than the land itself.”
If you have grown wary of many of the investment options being touted these days, including the stocks which have lost much of their value recently because of the credit crisis and resulting worldwide margin call, maybe you should consider what has been a very stable investment for many years: Prime Texas Ranch Land.
With the extremely risky and speculative investment products being offered by the Wall Street types these days, and considering the effects of market manipulators, forced hedge fund liquidations, inadequate regulatory oversight, and the outright fraud that has been seen in the news, it is no wonder that these types of investments have come under increasing scrutiny.
It’s an awful situation when innocent people have lost much of their money and savings due to the greed and inadequate regulation of Wall Street and the financial industry. The recent exposure of several colossal ponzi schemes and other fraud related investment stories in the news lately has only added to the skepticism and resulted in many investors running to the supposed safety of T-bills and other cash investments.
I, like many skeptics, are already questioning the wisdom of low yielding cash investments considering the current monetary policies where everyone is bailed out at a cost of trillions being added to an already burgeoning federal debt. Is cash really a safe haven with a 13 trillion dollar national debt and unrecorded liabilities related to medicare and social security of approximately 35 trillion dollars. Will the easing monetary policies continue unabated? Will run away inflation ultimately hurt our savings and purchasing power as a result of our past and current monetary policies?
Although, we are all hoping for the better, I am concerned over the long term value and purchasing power of the dollar. From this perspective, I am a believer in the hard asset market, including real estate in markets that are still strong, like the Texas Hill Country. It's a buyer's market right now, so it's a great time to invest and enjoy the personal and financial benefits of owning Texas Hill Country Ranch Land or a Luxury Texas Home.